Work packages

WP1 Coordination & Management

Within WP1 the Data Management Plan (DMP) will be elaborated. It will handle exchanged data, from the planning stage up to the long-term preservation of data to make the exchange of knowledge as efficient as possible, and meet expectations and requirements of the university/institute, research funders, and legislation. The selection of data to be openly accessible on a case-by-case basis and agreed by the consortium. This will include ethical aspects and data security such as for the protection of IP for any project outputs that are considered to be commercially exploitable.

WP2 Training

WP2 focuses on science and technical know-how exchange and it will include both virtual learning (on-line courses and webinars) as well as on-campus courses at CNR and AALTO premises, staff exchange, schools. Through the extensive programme of staff-exchange, experts visits, courses, trainings and 2 schools organization, NetCastPL4.0 will increase the number of joint publications. The research staff Hirsch factor is expected to also increase, the number of European doctoral/PhD students and other qualified staff working at AGH.

WP3 Improving Capacity

WP3 is dedicated to strengthening AGH research management and administrative skills by intensive training for the staff as described in sharing with internationally leading partners, development of specific IT tools for management and networking). A management convention will be organized per year.

WP4 Exploratory Research Exploratory Research on
“Green Technologies for lightweight castings”

An important aspect is the research component is focusing on the development of advanced light-weighting cast-iron and aluminium alloys castings production with the use of green molding materials. The scientific strategy includes research on the possibility of obtaining thin-walled castings with enhanced mechanical properties for use on medium- and highly loaded components over a wide temperature range for applications in the automotive and energy industries.

WP5 Joint Initiatives, Networking and Visibility

To support the contribution of Poland to the EU’s low-carbon economy roadmap, AGH plans to establish a Networking Pole to foster the uptake of lightweight castings innovation in Poland and engage the foundry and country in pan-European collaborative efforts on this topic. This Pole will be based on research-supported initiatives to guide policies to support the transition to foundries4.0 and support the castings industry business. To ensure its success, AGH needs to increase its research excellence in the strategic priority topic of green castings and foundry, and to develop international networks.

WP6 Building the Future

WP6 will merge the capacity created in the previous WPs in the creation of the Networking Pole for Lightweight Castings Innovation and Sustainability and develop actions to sustain future science, foundry/industry and markets and support the strategic priorities of the ERA.

WP7 Dissemination, Exploitation & Outreach

Under this WP NetCastPL4.0 website will be created. It will provide a common platform to facilitate information exchange among beneficiaries and will be one of the main dissemination and interaction vehicles. The dissemination plan will be prepared at M6 and will include all foreseen dissemination activities of publications, conferences. The plan will be revised updated yearly. A Dissemination & Communication Toolkit will be developed, which will include Project booth, posters and leaflets. e-dissemination: AGH dissemination platform and contact database will be used for releasing enews and information about the project.