Katarzyna Major-Gabryś

Work Package Leaders Group

Katarzyna Major-Gabryś

Katarzyna Major-Gabryś, Ph.D. D.Sc. Eng., AGH Professor (AGH University of Krakow, Poland). Graduation: in 2001 – M.Sc. and in 2007 – Ph.D. in Foundry Engineering. In 2005 employed at AGH University as an assistant, in 2008 as a tutor and in 2019 as a professor. Since 2020 Vice-Dean for Science and Cooperation of the Faculty of Foundry Engineering AGH University. Since 2018 Co-chairperson and member of Scientific Committee of cyclic International Scientific Conference of Polish, Czech and Slovak Casters ‘WSPÓŁPRACA-SPOLUPRÁCA-SPOLUPRÁCE’. Member of Committee of Foundry Polish Academy of Science. Member of Scientific Committee of Journal of Casting & Materials Engineering. Member of Materials Engineering Discipline Council of AGH University. Member of the Council of the Faculty of Foundry Engineering AGH University. Specialist in the field of materials engineering – metal casting processes. Especially in the field of molding and core sands with an emphasis on the development of environmentally friendly technologies. Author of approximately 160 publications thematically related to molding and core sands, including 1 monograph titled: “Environmentally friendly foundry molding and core sands”. Awarded the “Medal of the National Education Commission” by the Minister of National Education of Poland for special contributions to education. Awarded the Bronze Medal for Long-Term Work by the President of the Republic of Poland.


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